Sahkshuka! the queen of eggs

the queen of eggs

Last weekend was a beautiful snowy one up in the mountains of northern California, and what’s a better excuse to cook for friends than an awesome ski cabin up in the mountains? I love skiing, but let’s admit it. Sometimes skiing is just an excuse to get a bunch of good friends together, raid wholefoods and buy the best ingredients, prepare some amazing dinners with lots of wine… and indulge. I have to do this again soon…

Then after dinner, and a great night sleep you wake up in the morning into a great skiing day, to make sure you start the day strong, a great tasty breakfast is due. That’s where our Shakshuka comes into play.

Shakshuka is mostly a breakfast/brunch dish, and is super simple to make. all you need is:

6 eggs

2 diced tomatoes (or a small can of diced tomatoes)

1 small can of tomato paste

1/2 a glass of water

1 chopped onion

1 chopped bell pepper

1 jalapeno chopped

3 cloves of garlic, chopped

salt and pepper

2 spoons of olive oil

Put the olive oil in a pan on high heat on the stove, add the chopped onion, then after a couple of minutes the bell pepper and the tomatoes. Let it fry for 5 minutes with no cover, then add everything but the eggs, cover, reduce the heat a bit and cook for 20 minutes, stirring every now and then to make sure it doesn’t stick and adding water if needed. Add salt and pepper and taste. Then, break the eggs and put them sunny side up in the sauce that was created, on low heat cook for 3-5 minutes (or until the white becomes white and the yellow is still nice and juicy). Salt and pepper again, serve on plates (or eat right from the pan..) to make it pretty, sprinkle some chopped jalapeno on everything. And remember! breakfast is the most important meal of the day… Happy skiing! I hope there is more snow coming around soon or I am moving to Europe…